Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Testing and Testing Resources

Where does one begin?  What tests would be helpful?  Who performs them?  The School?  Private consultants?

Are there protocols to follow?

Please feel free to share your knowledge here!

Resources for Parents

If you found a great resource for parents that will help find resource for their kids, please share here!

Nature and Outdoor Programs

Have a suggestion for outdoor recreation or a nature appreciation class?

Suggest it here!

Writing Programs

If you know of any special writing programs, please list them here.

Please include a link or contact information if you are able!

Recommended Articles

Here is a thread that you can share articles, in full or links to them

Recommended Links

Is there a website that you have found to be useful?

Please share it here, and it will be transferred to the main link list.

Book Recommendations

Please recommend books or other study aids that you and your child have found to be helpful!

Please include book and author to help make it easier for people to locate the selection

Questions from Parents

Have a question about your child in particular or about a particular resource?  Ask it here!

Gifted and Talented in the News

This thread is to help compile the latest news in the area of Gifted and Talented, as a whole and within Winchester itself